Basmati Varieties

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Basmati is known to be the world's most treasured rice grain, for us at GP Agro Exports basmati takes on an even more special meaning – it is our way of life.

Traditional Basmati, the first variety of rice in the family, has become known as the "The Prince of Rice". A wonder grain, traditional basmati is the reason behind the evolution of two other superiors’ values - Pusa Basmati and Pusa 1121 Basmati.

The root of the word ‘Basmati’ lays in two Hindi words viz Bas implying Aroma and Mati meaning full of, hence the word meaning "Full of Aroma". Traditional Basmati has the best aroma in the family, whether it is the dry grain or cooked, the aroma of basmati is unmatched. It is remarkable long variety of rice when cooked. Basmati is longer, lighter and fluffier than standard white rice, and does not stick together. The long, pure, slender grains have a delicious taste and delicate texture.


Pusa Basmati takes its name from pusa institute in Delhi, the commonly referred name for the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (I.A.R.I) New Delhi, where this variety was developed I.A.R.I is one of the premiere research institute of Indian council of agricultural research, which comes under The Ministry of Agriculture Government Of India. It is headed and managed by top Indian scientists who work diligently to give India an edge over other countries in field of rice.

Pusa Basmati was the second entrant in basmati family. The Main Difference between Basmati Rice and Pusa Basmati Rice lies in the length of the grain. Pusa Basmati rice is longer than the Basmati Rice before and after cooking. The grain of Pusa Basmati rice is thinner than Basmati Rice which gives it a very rich and elegant look. This also makes it a very light food to consume. However, unlike Basmati Rice, Pusa Basmati Rice is lacking in aroma.


The latest entrant in the basmati family is Pusa 1121 Basmati Rice. This variety of basmati has over the recent years taken over Indian and overseas market. It is longest basmati grain in the world before and after cooking. The elongation percentage of the grain is more than any other variety of the Basmati Rice. It gives 30% more volume than other basmati variety. This variant can be recognized by its unique aroma and subtle sweet taste.

The unmatched brilliance of Pusa 1121 Basmati has led to revolution in domestic and foreign market. This variety is in the great demand both on the domestic market as well as globally and has been instrumental in increasing the global market share of Indian basmati rice. A better yielding variety, Pusa 1121 has also enhanced the returns to farmers hence, encouraging its adaptations in the crop cycle augmenting its regular and more consistence supply in the markets globally.


  • Basmati rice is a great source of complex carbohydrates, which makes up 85% of a rice kernel. Complex carbohydrates are an important source of the fuel for the body especially, brain and is a great source of energy. As a complex carbohydrate, basmati rice is easily digestible and empowers the body.
  • As basmati contains no fat, no cholesterol and is sodium free, it is an excellent source of food for those with hypertension. The fat content of basmati rice is extremely low, and the meagre amount so present is mostly found in the germ. Wholegrain rice is hence, slightly more fatty than white rice.
  • Pure basmati contains low to medium GI (Glycaemic Index) carbohydrates which serves as a hedge against developing diabetes.
  • Rice contains no additives or preservatives, making it an excellent inclusion in a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Whole grains (such as brown rice) contain high amounts of insoluble fibre-the type of fibre some scientists believe may help protect against a variety of cancers.
  • Although basmati rice is normally classified as a carbohydrate, it is a fair source of protein containing all eight amino acids that are responsible for muscle development. These proteins are extremely digestible and found mainly in the outer layers of the endosperm.
  • Rice is anti-oxidant too. Anti-oxidant is so called substance in a human body, which helps prevent and repair damage done by various diseases.